Over the last two years different versions of the pin-up campaign presented by the Bernard's brewery provoked disagreement among not only feminist part of the society. The aesthetics of it might not be as terrifying in comparison with the large scale of sexist advertisement offered by the Czech marketing. But we're still talking about a sexist campaign. Why? The women's body is simplyfied to an object and by it's sexualization it is easy to intrigue the target (male) part of the society. The billboards use the pin-up girls cartoons as decorations, not as consumers. It's questionable whether it wouldn't be even more sexy to show women as rightful consumers and take advantage of the "the other" 50% population's marketing potential. But Bernard decided to be "progressive" in another way. The "Feminist edition" preseted this summer is allegedly a self-humorous reaction to the feminist protests and a lecture about not taking oneself too seriously. Stanislav Bernard decided to go out on a limb as he imparted his face to an anonymous cheerleader. Self-irony? Rather a humour at the expense of an anonymous female body. If Bernard wants to make fun of himself for real, why doesn't he do it with all the trimmings? Not again with the help of a half naked anonymous female body.
This is why we got the idea of boycotting Bernad's day. As a reaction to the previously described we went to the pubs that served Bernard's beer with a discounted price on 4th of October. We used this great opportunity to explain what feminism really is with our "True feminist edition". A video from this event is coming soon!